
14 posts

Forget New Year’s resolutions and set goals instead to gain control over your time to achieve what is most important to you! Remember that lack of focus and lack of planning are not emergencies. Keep in mind that commitment to a written goal can be strengthened if you ask someone […]

Time For Change

Do you sometimes feel that you want out of your current situation, but don’t know where it is you want to go? Or do know —-but you are not sure how to get there? Have you have ever tried to lose weight, start an exercise program, stop smoking, relax more, […]

3 Ways to Get Unstuck

You are sitting at your desk, looking at your to do list but you really do not want to do that list today. Try this: Ask: What is the best use of my attention at this moment? If the answer does not pull you into your most important priority, you […]

10 Tips For Balance

Even successful people get out of balance. In my work coaching professional women I have found a consistent request for the magic solution for juggling the many priorities in one day. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the following statement: “By the time I get home […]